Star brite



Star brite was founded in 1973 based on a line of four automotive maintenance items. The company's key product was a revolutionary car polish formulated with special cleaners that restored dull, oxidized paint and space-age polymers that provided a dazzling shine together with extremely long-lasting protection. This product, simply named Star brite Car Polish took the market by storm because it was so superior to any competitive auto polish or wax. In the following years Star brite added many new car care products and also expanded into the boat care field. It was in the marine marketplace that the company experienced phenomenal growth and began to have a loyal consumer following.

By the late 1970's Star brite realized that the future of business was in global marketing. To that end the company set up a distribution center near Toronto to serve the Canadian market. Shortly thereafter, Europe was in Star brite's sights and and an office in Lyon, France together with a warehouse facility in Rotterdam, The Netherlands were established. Currently Star brite sells its products in virtually every developed country in the world and is the leader in its fields.

Staying true to its roots, Star brite continues to base its growth on bringing new and innovative products to specific markets. Those markets currently include the original automotive and marine fields in addition to the RV, home care and aviation sectors. Expanding upon its chemical product offerings, the company also manufactures a complete line of brushes, handles, related cleaning aids, tie-downs and bungees.

The main manufacturing facility for Star brite is located in Montgomery, Alabama operating under the name Kinpak, Inc. In addition to fulfilling production needs for Star brite products, Kinpak also makes numerous items under a private label program for major oil companies and consumer goods marketers.

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6,61 €
18,95 €
29,67 €
35,27 €